Like all tools, construction management software provides the largest benefit when used correctly. Unfortunately, not all project personnel always have access to, or are willing to use, the construction management software the project is running. This often leads to the Project Engineer doing duplicate work - responding to RFIs and Submittals via email and recording those documents, and responses, in the software. Or worse, having those documents missing from the software's record of the project entirely.
The FACS Platform solves this issue by providing a unique email address for each document your team is managing in the FACS Platform. Receive an RFI from the contractor by email? Simply add the FACS RFI email address to your reply and you can send a response to the Contractor and create a RFI entry within the FACS Platform to document the full RFI at the same time.
The ability to create new documents in FACS from your inbox will save you time and ensure all your project documents are stored in your construction management software system.
The ability to create new documents from emails can be used beyond RFIs and Submittals too. Some agencies have email retention policies that purge emails before a project has been completed. Some projects have a flood of emails and it's difficult to mark the critical communications that should be part of the project record.
In addition to being able to create RFIs and Submittals by email, the FACS Platform can store your emails for safekeeping. There's a dedicated 'Email' area where you can forward all important project emails you want to ensure you have easy access to in the future. Just send the email to the FACS Platform's project email address and the entry will automatically be created. Reach out today to learn how FACS can help keep your project on track all without you having to leave your inbox.